This is for a case of Pocket Paragons: AEGIS.
Bonus: A Free promotional item including 36 Packs of Pyromancer vs. Guardian. Excellent for store owners or on boarding a playgroup into Pocket Paragons.
- Case Count: 12
- MSRP: $19.99 USD
- Free shipping: Automatically applied on checkout.
Lighting Fast Fighting Card Game! Pocket Paragons is a quick deceptively simple game of big spells and big reads. Take their HP down to 0 or deliver a carefully placed Execute to take your opponent out in an instant! This box features characters from A.E.G.I.S Combining Robots. Get your powerful passive online and outpace your enemies! Featuring 8 dramatically different characters.
- 8 Character decks ( Each 8-10 cards)
- 2 Punch Board Dials (one for each player)
- 10 Dividers
1 Rulebook
Ainer & ARK-150
Play offensively. Once you have your Ultimate, you'll never have to Recharge again.
Etwal & EXCEL-100
Recklessly burn your abilities for additional effects and hit harder while your enemy has more cards than you.
Gamound & GMD-100
Ready your Defend frequently and easily. Deal damage when you block attacks.
Ixa & IZA-100
Exhaust your opponent's options with Stun effects. Counter specific cards for ATK boosts.
Stell & SOL-100
Bolster your ATK strategically to take advantage of your other effects.
Poppet & ELL-000
Recklessly attack your enemy at the cost of your own health. Bombs away!
Ryos & ION-121
Punish your opponent with the hardest reads-- your abilities are very powerful in specific situations!
Luxiana & Exyth-100
Special bonuses for team play! Abilities you inherit are stronger, as are the ones you pass to your teammates!
Box Size
6.5'' x 3.75'' x 3''
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