This is for a mixed case of Pocket Paragons: Space Lion and Pocket Paragons Acquisitions Inc. You will receive 6 units of each for a total of 12 units.
Bonus: A Free promotional item including 36 Packs of Pyromancer vs. Guardian. Excellent for store owners or on boarding a playgroup into Pocket Paragons.
- Case Count: 12
- MSRP: $20 USD
- Free shipping: Automatically applied on checkout.
Lighting Fast Fighting Card Game! Pocket Paragons is a quick deceptively simple game of big spells and big reads. Take their HP down to 0 or deliver a carefully placed Execute to take your opponent out in an instant! This box features characters from Space Lion. Work in getting the perfect setup to get the edge on your opponent! Featuring 6 dramatically different characters.
- 8 Character decks ( Each 8-10 cards)
- 2 Punch Board Dials (one for each player)
- 10 Dividers
- 1 Rulebook
Aqc Inc Paragons
Omin Dran
Omin is tough and durable. Use his healing magic to outlast your enemy and pound them into the ground.
Jim Darkmagic
Jim has hard-hitting spells, but is limited by his spell slots. Make sure to play his biggest spells when they can't get blocked or countered!
Strix Beestinger
Strix's spells are powerful against specific ability symbols. Use her Metamagic to change those symbols to what you need!
Môrgæn relentlessly hunts her prey, never giving them a moment to safely Rest.
Evelyn Marthain
Evelyn Marthain fights honorably, refusing to execute her enemy. In exchange, her god blesses her with increased power!
Certainty Dran
Certainty can banish her enemy's abilities permanently-- as long as she knows what they plan to do.
Portentia Dran
Portentia can do anything her enemy can do, but better. It's not "stealing" if you've legally acquired the rights to their abilities in a hostile takeover.
Propha Dran
Omin's mother Propha has retired from the adventuring life, but give her enough time and she'll turn her healing power into unstoppable damage!
Space Lion Paragons
Trey, Distant Officer
Always having a plan for every situation, Trey gets bonuses when he counters his enemy-- or gets countered himself.
Samantha, Passionate War Hero
Samantha gets stronger while she has more health than her enemy. Use your healing and defense to keep it that way.
Malaya, Free Spirited Engineer
Malaya's abilities are better when they have bigger attack than her enemy's ability. Use your Sabotage to get that bonus!
Diyo, Disrespectful Monarch
Diyo can arrogantly choose to play his abilities face-up to receive massive bonuses.
Mr. Oops, Weary King
Mr. Oops's abilities are very powerful, but slow to recover. Use careful planning on when to play them.
Jaryd and Alex, Eternally Bound Frenemies
Jaryd and Alex start small, but grow in power with each attack. Your enemy has to Rest to try to slow them down.
Proteus, Vacuus Royalty
Proteus lurks in the shadows, choosing two abilities to play and picking the one best for the situation.
Box Size
6.5'' x 3.75'' x 3''
Marketing Pages
Space Lion: https://marketing.solisgamestudio.com/pocketparagonsspacelion
Aqc Inc: https://marketing.solisgamestudio.com/pocketparagonsacqinc
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