Who is the best dog? Find out in Ruff Rollers. A casual family game about rolling dice and colliding with your opponent's dice! This is a Playmat game; yes the almost the entire game is a playmat! You will need dice to play.
Game system: Hedron Collision
Playmat: 14'' x 24'' x 1/4''
Dice: 2 sets of dice are required to play the game. Not included.
Setup: Each player prepares a dice pool. Each pool must be a different color. (Recommended: D4, D6, D8, D10 x2, D12, D20) Try larger dice pools for wilder games!Play: Players take turns. On your turn, place one die from your pool behind the 'SHOOT' line and flick it.
Score: After all dice have been flicked, calculate your score. For each of your dice, score points equal to the die number showing + the zone's value. Dice off the mat do not score. If a die is resting on a line, score the higher zone's value. Highest score wins! Each time you play, switch who goes first.
Expert Mode: Keep track of your score between games. Play 2 games. Who ever scores the highest combined score, wins.